Total honour 4.801.305.078
Ranking 12
Members 34 / 60 Members
Level Ø 130
Fortune 882.779

Guild description



ᖜAlways and Foreverᖛ
❝Family is Power❞


⚔Istoria Breslei⚔
This is us
♚The Original Family♚
If you dare to come for one of us,you come for all of us.
We have Vampire,We have Warewolvs and We have Witches.

Istoria breslei , scrisa cu sange , impregnata in timp
"Elijah : Of my long life, I have come to believe that we are bound forever with those we share blood, ...
our family, that bond can be our greatest strength,."

Cu multe secole in urma , Esther,Mikael,Kol,Rebekah,Freya,Elijah.,Klaus,Hope. au format cea mai puternica
familie , de sange.Cu timpul familia a devenit mai numeroasa ...
Elijah. a fost primul care a pus bazele acestei aliante puternice si a incercat sa o mentina asa timp de 1000 de ani.
In ciuda a ceea ce familia a intampinat au ramas acolo si
"Always And Forever"

Klaus Mikaelson - The Original Hibryd
"I'm something else. A different kind of monster. A hybrid.
People quake with fear because i have the power to make them afraid"

Elijah Mikaelson - The Nobleman
"Of my long life, I have come to believe that we are bound forever with those we share blood, ...
our family, that bond can be our greatest strength,."

Rebekah Mikaelson - The Little Sister
"We are the strongest creatures in the world, and yet we're damaged beyond repair. We lived without hope, but we will never die. We are the definition of cursed"

Freya Mikaelson - The Sister
"Nobody touch my family"

Esther Mikaelson - The Original Witch
"Forgiveness is not a chore, it's a gift "

Kol Mikaelson - The Wildest of the Mikaelson Klan
"Relax Darling "

Finn Mikaelson - The Thinker One
"Today i saw a glimpse of your coveted Always and Forever "

Marcel - The Mirror of Goodness
"Family are those who you fight for and those who are willing to fight for you "

Hope Mikaelson - The Brightest Star of the Mikaelson
"When you spend so long trapped in darkness you find that darkness begins to stare back"

Dracula - The Mad King
"I did not want. I do not want. But I must."

Lucien Castle - First sired vampire
"If you want something,just take it!"

Mikael Mikaelson - The Destroyer
"Weak Boy!"

Silas - The Immortal blur
"I'm gonna get what's mine"

Dahlia Mikaelson - The Witch
"The Old Witch"

Stefan Salvatore - The Ripper
"To beat the villain,you have to be the better villain."

Alaric Saltzman
- The Hunter
"That's What We Do. We Find A Way To Keep Going!"

- Augustine solider
"I don't want to hate you. Because if I hate you, then I have nothing left."

- The young vampire
"I 'm hungry,always hungry for blood."

- The young beta warewolf
"With the pack i'm strong,without it i'm just a lone wolf"

- Harvest girl,regent queen,all mighty and powerfull
"You just can't live without me,don't you?"

- The hell for monsters
"I've came from hell to bring hell"

- The Gemeni leader
"Your power it's mine"

- The High Prist of Darkness
"Die with pride and rise more powerfull than ever."

Tristan - Second sired vampire
"Act of rulling its an act"

^.Damon.^ - The bad brother
"I'll do what i have to do."

.Sebastian. - The pirate slaughter
"In this life you will have to hate me."

Vincent - King of witches
"When it comes to war, there is absolutely no strategist that is as great as Klaus Mikaelson, but he needs his brother as his co-captain. He's got to have Elijah there to rein him in."

Timp de secole ne-am luptat , am pierdut batalii , dar niciodata razboaie .


Family is Power
Always and Forever